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For parents of children ages 3-13 and above.
Open to the Public.
Jan 22nd - event: One of the most critical issues of our time has been working to understand the effects of technology use on children. Still questions persist. “Is technology connecting kids or isolating them?” and, “How much is too much?” On the evening of January 22nd, BCD will host nationally recognized expert, Erin Walsh of the Spark & Stitch Institute, as she presents What Science Tells Us About Raising Thriving Kids in the Digital Age. She will share what the brain science research tells us and review key protective factors for digital wellbeing and keeping children safe from online harms (while still developing their digital strengths in an increasingly digital world). Ms. Walsh’s signature down-to-earth approach and sense of humor eases engagement with this complicated topic and leaves audiences feeling capable and motivated. This event is free and open to the public. We encourage you to share this post and let as many folks as possible know about this great, free opportunity to better inform ourselves.
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